Our Cause

Recycle caps and seals and help fight childhood cancer

Our Cause

Tampinhas que Curam is an initiative that aims to meet sustainability and social objectives, providing benefits both for the environment and for people undergoing cancer treatment. By taking part in this project, you will be contributing to a noble and essential cause for society.

Brazil generates more than 80 million tons of waste every year and recycles less than 4%. Recycling plastic caps is a sustainable practice that helps to reduce the amount of waste produced, giving these materials a proper destination and preventing them from being disposed of inappropriately in the environment. With this initiative, you can help preserve nature and, at the same time, help treat children with cancer.

By joining Tampinhas que Curam, you will be making a difference to the lives of many people who battle cancer on a daily basis. The project offers an opportunity to help these people, providing financial resources for their treatment and also offering emotional support and solidarity.

It's important to note that for the Tampinhas que Curam initiative to be successful, all the volunteers and partners involved must follow the project's Code of Ethics. This code stipulates that the project's image must be protected, that all those involved must be respected, that the project must act transparently, that the environment must be preserved and that differences must be valued.

Tampinhas que Curam Code of Ethics:

The Tampinhas que Curam initiative is guided by the values of transparency, solidarity and mutual respect. In order for us to make progress in building a better world, where recycling is combined with the fight against cancer, it is essential that all the volunteers and partners involved comply with the following ethical commitments:

Ethical commitment

By joining the Tampinhas que Curam project, you will be doing much more than simply recycling plastic caps. You will be contributing to building a more sustainable world, where caring for the environment is a priority, but also to a more supportive and loving world, where mutual aid is a reality.

Recycling bottle tops is just one part of the initiative, the main aim of which is to raise funds for the treatment of children with cancer. But beyond that, Tampinhas que Curam also aims to raise awareness about the importance of recycling, promote solidarity among people and inspire positive changes in our society.


recycled caps

Target: 100 thousand


Every bottle cap collected makes a difference to the lives of children battling cancer, providing resources for their treatment and also offering emotional support and solidarity. 

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